Continuing Education on Drinking Water

Free Continuing Education Class on Drinking Water Offered at UW Baraboo Sauk County Campus

UW-Platteville Continuing Education Institute, in partnership with Sauk County Land Resources and Environment Department, welcome you to the Baraboo Sauk County Campus for a free informative learning session with groundwater expert, Kevin Masarik. 

Join us on Wednesday, April 26 from 6:00 – 7:30 pm, in the Rodem’s Room, UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County (1006 Connie Rd., Baraboo, WI) for the What’s in Your Drinking Water?. How do you know if your water is safe to drink? Does your water have a strange smell or taste? Will a simple water filter pitcher do the trick? What is the quality of Wisconsin’s groundwater and what are ways that it can be protected? Join Groundwater Education Specialist Kevin Masarik for a presentation on drinking water, what you should know, testing options available and more. This class is open to both city and well water consumers.

This event is free and open to the public, but registration is required.

Register for the “What’s in your Drinking Water?” class on April 26th by visiting the UW-Platteville Continuing Education website:

Town Board Meeting

There is no regular Town Board Meeting today April 12th, 2023.  This will be held April 18th after the Annual Meeting.  Please watch the website for an agenda later in the week.

Plan Commission

There is currently an opening on the Town of Excelsior’s Plan Commission.  If you would like to be considered please e-mail your letter of interest to either Plan Commission Chair Kurt Muchow at [email protected] or Clerk Swanson at [email protected]   The position will be filled at May’s regular Town Board meeting.


Yard Clean Up

The yard clean up that was previously posted for Saturday, April 1st has been cancelled due to the upcoming inclement weather.  A notice will be posted once this has been re-scheduled.

Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.






The Sauk County Highway Departmnet is posting Country Trunk Highways, that is lettered highways, effective noon on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 as Class “B” highways, which allows the haulers to carry 60% of a legal load.


The weight restriction does not apply to town roads, they are controlled by the local townships.  Be sure to check with the Town Chairperson to see if their roads are posted.  (Town of Excelsior is posted as Class “B” highways).


Town & Country Sanitation

Town & Country  Sanitation will not be running on Friday, February 24th, 2023 due to inclement weather on Thursday, February 23rd.  They will be running their normal route on Saturday, February 25th.  


Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Due to lack of frost this winter, snow plows have damaged lawns more than normal.  This is a friendly reminder fixing the lawns is the responsibility of the landowner.  If you are physically unable, and need help.  Please reach out to Road Superintendant Dan Biermeier by email at [email protected]

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Candidacy Paperwork

Candidacy paperwork can be turned in Tuesday, January 3rd between the hours of 3:15PM to 5PM.


Sandra Meyer Swanson, Clerk

Town of Excelsior