Special Town Board Meeting 10/22/2018


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the Special Meeting of the town board, Town of Excelsior to be held October 22, 2018. 6:30 P.M. Town of Excelsior Hall, 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI 53961.

Special town board meeting:             AGENDA

  1. Call to order. Verification of public notice and compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Approval of agenda of special town board meeting.
  4. Public comments and suggestions from residents of the town and other persons present. (3 minutes)
  5. Procedural motions by members of the town board.

a) Contract for garbage/recycling

b) Work on and prepare 2018/2019 budget.

c) Hiring of a road patrolman.

c) Set date for Public Budget Hearing, Special Electors meeting & Special Town Board meeting


It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Meeting notice posted or published: Published in the Baraboo News Republic and Reedsburg Independent Notice and agenda posted Town Office, _ & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov. Prepared by: Town Chair Ken Nolden/Clerk Lynette M. Gurgel 10/19/2018

November 6, 2018 General Election Voting by Absentee


Tuesday November 6, General Election

 Type E Notice

Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. A qualified elector is any U.S. citizen, who will be 18 years of age or older on Election Day, and who has resided in the ward or municipality where he or she wishes to vote for at least 10 consecutive days before the election.  The elector must also be registered to vote to receive an absentee ballot. Proof of identification must be provided before an absentee ballot may be issued.

You must make a request for an absentee ballot in writing.

Contact your municipal clerk and request that an application for an absentee ballot be sent to you for the primary or election or both. You may also request an absentee ballot by letter. Your written request must list your voting address within the municipality where you wish to vote, the address where the absentee ballot should be sent, if different, and your signature.  You may make application for an absentee ballot by mail, email or in person.

Making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail

  The deadline for making application to receive an absentee ballot by mail is: 

                           5:00 PM on the fifth day before the election Thursday November 1, 2018    

Note:  Special absentee voting application provisions apply to electors who are indefinitely confined to home or a care facility, in the military, hospitalized, or serving as a sequestered juror. If this applies to you, contact the municipal clerk regarding deadlines for requesting and submitting an absentee ballot.

Voting an absentee ballot in person

You may also request and vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office or other specified location during the days and hours specified for casting an absentee ballot in person at your municipality.

The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is:

Monday October 22, 2018

The last day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office:

Thursday November 1, 2018

No in-person absentee voting may occur on the day before the election.

The municipal clerk will deliver voted ballots returned on or before Election Day to the proper polling place or counting location before the polls close on November 6, 2018. Any ballots received after the polls close will not be counted.









Town of La Valle                    Village of La Valle                            Town of Reedsburg

Jean Judd, Clerk                     Colette Radtke, Clerk                       Rebecca L. Meyer, Clerk

314 State Hwy 33/58             101 W. Main Street                          Mailing Address:

La Valle, WI. 53941               La Valle, WI. 53941                          S3886 Grote Hill Rd.

Absentee Voting                    Absentee Voting                               Reedsburg, WI. 53959

By Appointment                     By Appointment                                Absentee Voting

Call: (608) 985-7695              Call: (608) 985-8383                         By Appointment Only

Mailing Address:                                       Mailing Address:                              Call: (608) 524-3999

PO Box 30                              PO Box 13                                         Email:

Email:                                                                                              TownofReedsburgClerk                 [email protected]                                                                   @gmail.com



Village of Rock Springs          Village of Loganville                         Town of Westfield

Jennifer Roloff, Clerk             Donna Hahn, Clerk                           Amy Schuette, Clerk

105 East Broadway Box 26    130 West St. PO Box 128                  200 Mill Street

Rock Springs, WI. 53961        Loganville, WI. 53943                       Loganville, WI. 53943

Absentee Voting                    Absentee Voting                               Absentee Voting

Tuesday 7:00am-3:00pm       Monday’s 8-Noon                             By Appointment

Thurs. 7:30 am-4:30pm         Or by Appointment                           Call: (608)963-7313

By Appointment                     Call: (608) 727-5981                         Mailing Address:

Call: (608) 522-5700 Or                                                                  S6552 Cty. Hwy. DW

(608) 963-8082                                                                                Loganville, WI. 53943



Town of Winfield                   Town of Ironton                                Town of Dellona

Teresa Bass, Clerk                 Sharon Verthein, Clerk                     Lynn Eberl, Clerk

E6274 Bass Road                                       E4685 Pickel Road                            Absentee Voting

Reedsburg, WI. 53959           Reedsburg, WI. 53959                      By Appointment Only

Absentee Voting                    Absentee Voting                               Call: (608) 253-7490 Or

By Appointment                     By Appointment                                (608) 524-0800 Email:

Call: (608) 524-6654              Call: (608) 524-4872                         [email protected]                                                                                     Mailing Address:

E8062 County Road H

Lyndon Station, Wi. 53944


Town of Excelsior                                                                            Town of Washington

Lynette M. Gurgel                                                                           Joyce Huebsch

100 E Broadway                                                                              S6683 Hillpoint Rd

Rock Springs, WI. 53961                                                                  Hillpoint, WI. 53937

Absentee Voting                                                                              Absentee Voting

By Appointment Only                                                                      By Appointment Only

(608) 522-5115                                                                                608-986-2875(h)

Mailing Address:                                                                                 email address:

PO Box 57                                                                                        [email protected]

Email: [email protected]



Shared Notices: Town of La Valle, Village of La Valle, Town of Reedsburg, Village of Rock Springs, Village of Loganville, Town of Westfield, Town of Winfield, Town of Ironton, Town of Dellona, Town of Excelsior, Town of Washington TYPE E NOTICE:

November 6, 2018 General Election


  Town of Excelsior, Sauk County

November 6, 2018

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at an election to be held in the Town of Excelsior on Tuesday, November 6, 2018 the following question will be submitted to a vote of the people:

“Should the Excelsior Town Board pass an ordinance designating all town roads in the Town of Excelsior as ATV/UTV Routes?”

A copy of the entire text of the resolution directing the submission of the question can be obtained from the office of the town clerk.

Acceptable Photo ID will be required to vote at this election. If you do not have a photo ID you may obtain a free ID for voting from the Division of Motor Vehicles.

Done in the Town of Excelsior

On September 28, 2018.

Lynette M. Gurgel

Clerk Town of Excelsior




Town of Excelsior Plan Commission Meeting 9/26/2018




PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the open meeting of the Town of Excelsior Plan Commission will be held September 26, 2018 6:30 p.m., 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI 53961. The following matters will be included on the agenda:












Prepared by: Chair Kurt Muchow/Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk 9/21/2018

It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Agenda posted Town Hall. & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov






Posted: 9/24/2018



Plan Commission Meeting 8/29/2018 Cancelled




PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the open meeting of the Town of Excelsior Plan Commission will be held August 29, 2018 6:30 p.m., 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI 53961. The following matters will be included on the agenda:












Prepared by: Chair Kurt Muchow/Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk 8/24/2018

It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Agenda posted Town Hall. & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov






Posted: 8/28/2018



Wanted: Part Time Custodian

Part-Time Custodian

The Town of Excelsior, Sauk County, WI. Is accepting applications to fill the position of Part-time Custodian. This individual will perform janitorial and maintenance works in our municipal building. Once per month or on as need bases. (Maybe more during tax collection time December and January, also after an election).

Qualifications: Must pass a background check and be approved as a confidential employee due to the access that will be granted to sensitive work areas.

Application Part-time Help for Town of Excelsior (application) may also be obtained by picking up at the town office and may be submitted via email at [email protected] or in person at Town of Excelsior office 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI., 608-522-5115. Office Hours: Mon. Wed. Fri. 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.

Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk


Amended Amended Agenda Town Board Meeting 8/8/2017

Amended Agenda


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the regular meeting of the town board, Town of Excelsior to be held August 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m., Town of Excelsior Hall, 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI. 53961.

Regular monthly town board meeting:        Amended  Amended AGENDA  

  1. Call to order. Verification of public notice and compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Roll call: K. Nolden; K. Muchow; E. Larson; M. Krueger; K. Zimmerman
  4. Approval of agenda of town board meeting.
  5. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s).

1/10/2018 revised minutes:

5/9/2018 revised minutes:


  1. Public comments and suggestions from residents of the town and other persons present. (3 minutes)
  2. Procedural motions by members of the town board.

a)Approve treasurers report as received:

b) Approve monthly town bills as submitted 8/8/2018

c) Approve treasurer to transfer funds to pay bills & reconciliation of town books.

d) Next town board meeting: September 12, 2018     a)   Client Myrna Armstrong / Surveyor Excelsior Group, LLC PLS Matt Filus:

8. Specific matters for discussion and possible action by town board in open session

a)  Review and Consider approval of CSM located in the SW1/4-SW1/4, the SW1/4-NW1/4 & the SE1/4-NW1/4, Sec. 35 Town 12 Range 5 East,    Town of Excelsior, Sauk County, WI.

* b) Review and consider approval of a proposal, James & Pam Frazier regarding driveway.

*c) Update cleaning of town hall

  1. Communications and petitions by town clerk-No discussion or action.
  2. Communications and petitions by town chair-No discussion or action.
  3. Reports of Town Officers.
  4. a) K. Zimmerman/ Road update
  5. b) E. Larson/ Baraboo Ambulance Report



It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Meeting notice posted or published: Published in the Baraboo News Republic and

Reedsburg Independent Notice and agenda posted Town Office, _ & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov. Prepared by: Town Chair Ken Nolden/Clerk Lynette M. Gurgel 8/2/2018. Amended 8/7/2018




Amended Town Board Agenda 8/8/2018 meeting


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the regular meeting of the town board, Town of Excelsior to be held August 8, 2018, 6:30 p.m., Town of Excelsior Hall, 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI. 53961.

Regular monthly town board meeting: AMENDED AGENDA

1. Call to order. Verification of public notice and compliance with the Open Meeting Law.

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll call.

4. Approval of agenda of town board meeting.

5. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s).

1/10/2018 revised minutes:

5/9/2018 revised minutes:


6. Public comments and suggestions from residents of the town and other persons present. (3 minutes)

7. Procedural motions by members of the town board.

a) Approve treasurers report as received:

b) Approve monthly town bills as submitted 8/8/2018

c) Approve treasurer to transfer funds to pay bills & reconciliation of town books.

d) Next town board meeting: September 12, 2018

8. Specific matters for discussion and possible action by town board in open session

a) Client Myrna Armstrong / Surveyor Excelsior Group, LLC PLS Matt Filus:

Review and Consider approval of CSM located in the SW1/4-SW1/4, the SW1/4-NW1/4 & the SE1/4-NW1/4, Sec. 35 Town 12 Range 5 East, Town of Excelsior, Sauk County, WI.

b) Review and consider approval of a proposal, James & Pam Frazier regarding driveway.

9. Communications and petitions by town clerk-No discussion or action.

10. Communications and petitions by town chair-No discussion or action.

11. Reports of Town Officers.

a) K. Zimmerman/ Road update

b) E. Larson/ Baraboo Ambulance Report


It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Meeting notice posted or published: Published in the Baraboo News Republic and

Reedsburg Independent Notice and agenda posted Town Office, _ & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov. Prepared by: Town Chair Ken Nolden/Clerk Lynette M. Gurgel 8/2/2018. Amended 8/7/2018