Housing Needs Survey

Press Release
Share your Housing Preferences, Concerns and Insights by Completing a Housing Needs Survey


Are you moving to a new home in the next five years or entering the housing market soon in Sauk County? Have you been looking for a home without success? Many Wisconsin communities are struggling to find the right balance of housing for their residents. To better understand the housing needs and the preferred housing preferences for current and potential residents, Sauk County Development Corporation (SCDC) along with Sauk County and six partner communities are seeking housing input from residents and those working in the County.

SCDC contracted with Vierbicher, a Planning and Engineering Firm, to complete a Housing Study and Needs Assessment. The Study is expected to be complete by August 2018. To kick-off the Study, we are asking for community input. SCDC, Sauk County and the six partner communities request that residents and those working in Sauk County complete the housing needs/questionnaire found at this link https://scdchousingstudy.questionpro.com

If you prefer a hard copy, please contact your Village Hall, City Hall, or the Sauk County Clerk’s Office. If you have any questions about the Study and the Planning Process, please contact Katherine Westaby, AICP, Vierbicher at [email protected] or 608- 821-3976.

The final housing study will contain recommendations and an action strategy that can guide Sauk County, SCDC, and partner communities in future investment decisions and provide a roadmap for catalyzing public and private initiatives into the future.


Partner communities include:

  • Sauk County
  • Baraboo, City of
  • Prairie du Sac, Village of
  • Reedsburg, City of
  • Sauk City, Village of
  • Spring Green, Village of
  • West Baraboo, Village of


Download this Press Release as PDF here.

2018 Annual Town Meeting




P 608-522-5115   WEB: townofexcelsiorwi.gov

                                                           E-Mail: [email protected]


Ken Nolden- Chair                                                                    Kurt Muchow – Supervisor I

Lynette M. Gurgel- Clerk                                                              Erik Larson –     Supervisor II

Sandra M. Swanson-Treasurer                                                 Matt Krueger- Supervisor III

Kerry Zimmerman – Supervisor IV





Notice is hereby given to the Electors in the Town of Excelsior, Sauk County, WI. , that the Annual Town Meeting will be held April 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM at the Excelsior Town Hall, 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI. All electors of the Town of Excelsior are encouraged to attend.


  1. Chairman will call the Annual Meeting to order.
  2. Approval of 2017 Annual Meeting Minutes by Electors.
  3. Presentation of 2017 Financial Report.
  4. Input of Elector to consider any other business that any elector wishes to bring before the Town Electorate authorized by State Statue 60.10 (1)
  5. Set date for 2019 Annual Town Meeting of the Electors. (per WI. Statues 60.11, the Annual meeting shall be held on the Third Tuesday of April or within 10 days after.)
  6. Adjournment.


The Town Hall is handicapped accessible. Any person that has a qualifying disability, as defined by the Americans Disabilities Act, may contact the Town Clerk to make necessary arrangements to accommodate your request.


Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk

Meeting Notice posted April 13, 2018 at the Excelsior Town Hall and the Town website townofexcelsiorwi.gov

Spring Road Clean up & Annual Meeting


 Town of Excelsior

Town of Excelsior Board members will be doing a Spring

Road clean up April 14, 2018. Leaving the town hall,

100 E. Broadway Rock Springs, WI. at 7:00 A.M.

No town business will be discussed. Public invited.

Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk

Posted: Town Hall & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov  4/12/2018



Town of Excelsior

Annual meeting April 17th, 2018 6:00 pm

100 E. Broadway Rock Springs, 53961

Posted: Town Hall & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov  4/12/2018

Town Board Meeting April 11, 2018


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the regular meeting of the town board, Town of Excelsior to be held April 11, 2018, 6:30 P.M. Town of Excelsior Hall, 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI. 53961.

Regular monthly town board meeting:         AGENDA  

  1. Call to order. Verification of public notice and compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Approval of agenda of town board meeting.
  4. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s). 3/14/2018
  5. Public comments and suggestions from residents of the town and other persons present. (3 minutes)
  6. Procedural motions by members of the town board.

a) Approve treasurers report as received:

b) Approve monthly town bills as submitted 4/11/2018

c) Approve treasurer to transfer funds to pay bills & reconciliation of town books.

d) Date for next town board meeting: May 9, 2018

7. Specific matters for discussion and possible action by town board in open session.

a) C. Luther: Reedsburg Ambulance quarterly report.

b) Pat Gavinski: Discuss and review town highway snowplow billing

c) Pat Gavinski: Discuss and review ATV routes within Sauk County and County Ordinance

d) Steve Blakeslee/ Approve Application to rezone Lot #2 of CSM #5121 and part of Lot #3, as described on attachment to Commercial and recommendation by Excelsior Plan Commission.

e) Review 2018 First Quarter Financial Report

f) Review & consider approval of moving forward with the Reedsburg Road improvement project

g) Sauk County Clerk & Excelsior2019-2021 MOU renewal

h) Appoint Elections Inspector two- year period.

i) Discuss and take Possible Action on ATV Route.

j) E. Larson: Consolidation of bank accounts

k) E. Larson: Payroll policy

l) E. Larson: Meeting Minutes Policy

m) E. Larson: Use of QB receipts vs. handwritten receipts.

n) Possible set road cleanup date.

  1. Communications and petitions by town clerk-No discussion or action.
  2. Communications and petitions by town chair-No discussion or action.
  3. Reports of Town Officers.
  4. a) K. Zimmerman/ Road update
  5. b) E. Larson/ Baraboo Ambulance Report


It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Meeting notice posted or published: Published in the Baraboo News Republic and Reedsburg Independent Notice and agenda posted Town Office, _ & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov. Prepared by: Town Chair Ken Nolden/Clerk Lynette M. Gurgel 4/9/2018


Reconvene 4/3/2018 MBOC


Committee:  Town of Excelsior Board of Canvassers/ MBOC

Date:  Sunday April 8, 2018       Time:  1:00 P.M. Place: Town of Excelsior Hall 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI. 53961

Reason for Meeting:     Regular:                Special: Reconvene the April 3, 2018 Spring Election MBOC


Call to order and certification of compliance with Open Meeting Law.

Reconvene the April 3, 2018 MBOC to canvass votes cast at the April 3, 2018 Spring Election


  1. Adjournment.

Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk Town of Excelsior 4/7/2018

Plan Commission Meeting 3/28/2018

                                                                                                   PUBLIC NOTICE


                                                                 TOWN OF EXCELSIOR PLAN COMMISSION MEETING

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the open meeting of the Town of Excelsior Plan Commission will be held March 28, 2018, 6:30 p.m. 100 E. Broadway, Rock Springs, WI 53961. The following matters will be included on the agenda










1) Steve Blakeslee/ Approve Application to rezone Lot #2 of CSM #5121 and part of Lot #3, as described on attachment to Commercial.




Prepared by: Chair Kurt Muchow/Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk 3/23/2018

It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Agenda posted Town Hall. & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov









Posted: 3/23/2018

April 3, 2018 Election Public Testing


Please be advised that the Public Test of the Tabulating equipment and Count Program to be used at the April 3, 2018 Spring Election will be held on  Monday, March 26,2018, 1:00 P.M. 100 E. Broadway Rock Springs Sauk County. This test is required per WI. Stats. Chap. 5 Sec. 5.84 and is open to the public.

Hall is handicapped accessible

Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk







Town of Excelsior

100 E. Broadway Rock Springs, WI.


April 3, 2018


CLOSE :           8:00 PM

Lynette M. Gurgel-Clerk

Town Board Meeting


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to the public and to the news media pursuant to WI. Stats. Section 19.84 that the regular meeting of the town board, Town of Excelsior to be held March 14, 2018, 6:30 P.M. Town of Excelsior Hall, 100 E. Broadway St., Rock Springs, WI. 53961.


Regular monthly town board meeting:         AGENDA  

  1. Call to order. Verification of public notice and compliance with the Open Meeting Law.
  2. Roll call.
  3. Approval of agenda of town board meeting.
  4. Approve minutes of prior meeting(s). 2/14/2018
  5. Public comments and suggestions from residents of the town and other persons present. (3 minutes)
  6. Procedural motions by members of the town board.
  1. Approve treasurers report as received:
  2. Approve monthly town bills as submitted 3/14/2018
  3. Approve treasurer to transfer funds to pay bills & reconciliation of town books.
  4. Date for next town board meeting: April 11, 2018.
  5. 7. Specific matters for discussion and possible action by town board in open session.
  1.   a) Robert Spencer: Discuss Proposal ATV route on town roads.
  2. b) Larson: Tree cutting at Lake Virginia boat launch.
  3. c) Larson: Recommendations from the Lake Virginia Management District.
  4. No motorized vehicles allowed on the ice on Lake Virginia.
  5. No parking on the Lake Virginia Dam with the following exceptions:
  6. 5 minute limit for unloading & loading for visitors.
  7. 30 minute limit for emergency & service vehicles.
  8. d) Discuss Possible Action on an Ordinance to be adopted: “No motorized vehicles shall be allowed on the ice on Lake Virginia in the Town of Excelsior.”
  9. e) Possible ditching on Terrytown Rd. from Mirror Lake Rd. to Mountain Road.
  10. f) Placement of road sign at Valley Circle
  11. g) Appoint Elections Inspectors- two- year period.
  12. Communications and petitions by town clerk-No discussion or action.
  13. Communications and petitions by town chair-No discussion or action.
  14. Reports of Town Officers.
  15. a) K. Zimmerman/ Road update
  16. b) E. Larson/ Baraboo Ambulance Report



It is possible that members of and possibly a quorum of members of other governmental bodies of the municipality maybe in attendance at the above meeting to gather information. No action will be taken by any governmental body at the above stated meeting other than the governmental body specifically referred to in this matter. Hall is handicapped accessible   Any person who has a qualifying disability that requires the meeting or materials at the meeting to be in an accessible location or format should contact the Town of Excelsior at 608-522-5115 or [email protected] 48 hours in advance of the meeting so that reasonable arrangements can be made to accommodate each request. Meeting notice posted or published: Published in the Baraboo News Republic and Reedsburg Independent Notice and agenda posted Town Office, _ & www.townofexcelsiorwi.gov. Prepared by: Town Chair Ken Nolden/Clerk Lynette M. Gurgel 3/12/2018